Page 13 - Public Eye Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 3
P. 13

September 2023    Volume 7     Issue No. 3

               Intern’s Achievement

                        Harshitha Choudary Pudota was with
                        PAF  as  an  intern  From  June7,  2022  to
                        July 18, 2022
                        Team  PAF received this message from
                        her “My internship experience at PAF was
           incredibly enriching. I got the opportunity to take part in a
           variety of training and capacity-building initiatives, which
           gave me invaluable insights into the interactions between
           various stakeholders and highlighted the  essential role
           that  local governance  plays in  the  implementation  of
           policies. I greatly improved my writing and editing abilities
           under the mentorship of Dr. Annapoorna Ravichander.
           Moreover, I honed my research capabilities and developed
           effective time management skills  throughout  my
           internship.  Collaborating  with PAF not only  expanded
           my professional network but also ignited my passion for
           pursuing a career in nonprofit organizations. I also had
           the privilege of working  alongside exceptional fellow
           interns and a remarkable team”.
           “I  am happy to share  that  I  am now selected  for  the
           Banyan Impact Fellowship Programme by the American
           Indian Foundation”.

           Team PAC and PAF wish her all the best in all her endeavours.

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