Page 9 - Public Eye Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 3
P. 9

September 2023    Volume 7     Issue No. 3

                  Visitors Comments                                aspiring researcher.”eager to continue my career as a life-
                                                                   long learner and aspiring researcher.”
         “The organisation is doing exceedingly well on many issues
         and wish the organisation all the best for all its future                Srujana Harshitha
                                                                                  Dr.B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics Univer‐
                                                                                  sity,  Bangalore
                                                Dr. Tara M S
                                             Frelance Consultant
                                                 August 3, 2023    “Working with PAC teams, I have gained valuable knowl-
                                                                   edge and experience. As an intern, I have learned tech-
                                                                   niques from this internship and learned the importance of
                                                                   effective communication and teamwork.I am sure I will be
                   Interns Speaks                                  able to learn even more techniques that I will apply in the
                                                                   future, to assist me in achieving my goals.”
            PAC believes in encouraging interns to work on live
            projects, interact  with  stakeholders,  write Policy                 Pratiksha Thapa
            briefs  and Articles and exposing them to real life
                                                                                  St Anthony’s College,
            “Before  joining  PAC, I  didn’t  know much  about  re-  “As an intern at PAC, my day-to-dayresponsibilities in-
            search. I must have done a little for the term papers   volve researching statistics for the project I am current-
            and assignments but how actually it happens, what      lyworking on with my team leaders. The project I am
            goes into this, the effort and the process, PAC brought   working on is SustainableDevelopment Goals specifically
            it out of me and guided me. PAC never spoonfed, it     SDG 4, which is the Quality of  Educationin the state of
            makes  it’s  intern  learn  by  themselves,  figure  out   Meghalaya, including a  task on the Demographic Profile
            things and helps them in between whenever there’s is   ofMeghalaya.  What I have gained from my internship at
            a need, for that the doors are always open.”
                                                                   PAC is anunderstanding of the various demographic data
                                                                   and information  about  the  variousdistricts  of  the  state
                         Nency Agrawal                             I have also gained a portion of experience in the fieldof
                                                                   data analysis and data research. I have been discussing
                         Dr.B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics Univer‐
                                                                   able to work on theproject smoothly and efficiently. With
                         sity, Bangalore
                                                                   various discussions regarding mytasks and upcoming
                                                                   events, I began indulging in the work with keen interest
            “First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude    andlearned many things. I am grateful to PAC for giving
            to PAC for giving me an opportunity to get real-world   me this opportunityand for allowing me to work.”
            research experience. I was given the responsibility of
            conducting  literature review, which allowed me to
            gain a deeper understanding of the existing knowl-                    Bashisha Lyngdoh
            edge and identify gaps that our research might be                     St Anthony’s College,
            able to address. This process helped me realize how                   Shillong
            much there was to learn and discover. Brainstorm-
            ing sessions with my mentor and fellow colleagues
            pushed me to think critically, ask questions, and con-
            sider various angles. It was amazing to see how ideas
            developed, evolved, and ultimately took the form of
            research proposals and experiments. I now move for-
            ward with my newly acquired skills and knowledge,
            eager to continue my career as a lifelong learner and

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