Page 6 - Public Eye Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 3
P. 6

September 2023    Volume 7     Issue No. 3

                                                                       PAC-GIZ Project

                                                                  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusam‐
                                                                  menarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is implementing the pro‐
                                                                  ject “Sustainable Urban Development ‐ Smart Cit‐
                                                                  ies II” (SUDSC II) on behalf of the German Federal
                                                                  Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Develop‐
                                                                  ment  (BMZ). The project supports the Ministry
                                                                  of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and the
                                                                  partner State Governments (Karnataka, Kerala,
                                                                  Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Telangana) in resilient,
                                                                  sustainable approaches and solutions for urban
                                                                  development including infrastructure  that  con‐
                                                                  sider disaster risk management and the leave‐no‐
                                                                  one-behind (LNOB) principle. It also supports five
                                                                  Smart  Cities  (Mangaluru,  Kochi, Bhubaneswar,
                                                                  Coimbatore and one city in the State of Telanga‐
           Director Dr. Chaya Degaonkar & Head of Public Engagement and Com‐
           munications Dr. Annapoorna Ravichander made a presentation to the   na)  in implementing  concepts of risk‐informed,
            Research Officers in Planning Department, Government of Meghalaya
                                                                  integrated, resilient and sustainable urban devel‐
                                                                  GIZ India has approved a consortium between the
                                                                  Public Affairs  Center  (PAC)  and Swastik Harish
                                                                  and Associates (SHA) to support their SUD‐SC II
                                                                  project, through a series of capacity building in‐
                                                                  itiatives on working with data. As a part of this
                                                                  support project, PAC‐SHA will conduct a Training
                                                                  Needs Analysis (TNA), conduct three (3) capacity
                                                                  building programs and develop training modules
                                                                  that  can be  institutionalized through e‐learning
                                                                  approaches. PAC‐SHA will  conduct these train‐
                                                                  ing programs in three (3) partner states of GIZ,
                                                                  namely, Kerala, Telangana and Tamil Nadu

                                                                  Current Progress
                                                                  1.  Training Need Analysis for Kerala is complete.
                                                                      The TNA for Tamil Nadu and Telangana is cur‐
                                                                      rently in progress
                                                                  2.  Training modules are developed for three‐day
             Public Affairs Centre team with senior Govt. officials in Meghalaya  workshop. The modules cover working with
                                                                      tabular  data, working  with spatial  data  and
                                                                      data visualisation and decision‐making
                                                                  3.  The three‐day capacity‐building program con‐
                                                                      ducted for Kerala in the month of July.

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