Annual Reports
April 2022-March 2023
Over the past 29 years, since it was established in 1994, the Public Affairs Centre has metamorphosed from developing and using the Citizen Report Card (CRC) and Social Audit organisation into one that deals with the human development issues based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The year 2022-2023 saw learnings and challenges. Despite this, work continued and most of the projects are at a significant point of completition. The International Migrations Centre-Karnataka (IMC-K) project that began five years back has completed all its tasks. In its 5-year tenure it left some landmark milestones with the State Government-setting processes and SOPS, establishing Migration Centres in some districts in Karnataka to name a few. This project has provided new vistas to replicate the ideas and outcomes in other States in India.
PAC’s initiative to work with international agencies was fulfilled by being awarded a prestigious project from the UNDP. PAC is partnering with MgtWell Consultancy Services, an international development management consulting firm based in Afghanistan. The project is titled Mapping and Capacity Strengthening of 400 NGOs and CSOs in Afghanistan. The primary objective of the programme is to conduct mapping/analysis of the selected NGOS/CSOs including implementing a comprehensive capacity development programme. It is hoped that this project will help PAC to come onto a global radar and work with reputed international agencies.
In order to look at the practical side of running the organisation, PAC had to take a decision on downsizing the staff, especially since many projects have come to an end. In the future PAC will aim to look at engaging with staff on a Consultancy- base (depending on the projects).
It is on a sad note that we had to accept Mr. Gurucharan’s resignation as the Director of PAC. He left some trailblazers which are captured in this Annual Report. But nevertheless, I am sure that under the leadership of Dr. Chaya Degaonkar, the new Director, PAC will grow from strength to strength, especially keeping in mind her vast experience and background of working in a University, Government sector and as a Consultant for turnkey projects. She brings to the table a vast experience for over four decades in teaching, research and consultancy.
I wish PAC all the very best in the coming years and for the future projects it undertakes.
- Dr. A Ravindra, IAS (Retd.), Chairman