Action Research

Completed Projects

Funded by

Improving Quality of Service Delivery in Institutions Caring for the Physically Challenged and Senior Citizen ( PC and SCS) in Karnataka

Department for the Empowerment of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, Bangalore ( EDA and SCD)

Funded by

Working towards Social Economic Empowerment of Women through the Stree Shakthi Programme (SS)

Department of Women and Child Development(DWCD)

Main project: Improving Service Delivery for the Welfare and Development of Children in Karnataka

Funded by

Working towards welfare of children in need of care and protection in Karnataka through effective implementation of the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)

Department of Women and Child Development(DWCD)

Main project: Improving Service Delivery for the Welfare and Development of Children in Karnataka

Funded by

An Assessment of the Bhagyalakshmi Scheme for improving registration of eligible girl children of Karnataka ( BS)

Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD), Bangalore

Funded by

Addressing concerns of children in the 0-6 age group and other beneficiaries in Karnataka through access to and usage of the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)

Department of Women and Child Development(DWCD)

Main project: Improving Service Delivery for the Welfare and Development of Children in Karnataka